Sunday, 27 January 2013

6 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Weight Loss Pursuits

simplify weight lossSo it’s time to start your weight loss journey, but there is an overwhelming amount of information out there. Do this, don’t do that. Only eat this then, but don’t eat that after 3. There’s enough conflicting information out there to make the most determined throw in the towel before they even get started.
Weight loss doesn’t have to be that difficult, and the more simple you can make it, the better your chances at success. That being said, here are 10 ways you can simplify your weight loss pursuits.

Stop Counting Calories

This goes against what most people say, as finding your calorie intake is one of the first things people try to do. It’s also one of the most confusing pieces of the puzzle, as no calorie calculator will be able to take into account all the individual differences people have.
Before you get too wrapped up in calorie counts and logging all your food, why not simply just focus on changing the quality of your food instead? You might surprised just how close you can get to your goals without ever counting a single calorie.
Read more about why you should stop counting calories to lose weight.

Forget About Macronutrient Ratios

How much protein, carbohydrates, and fat should you be eating to lose weight? Who cares! Of course it matters, but not as much as most people would think. People have successfully lost weight on every macronutrient ratio out there. From no carb, to high carb, to low fat to high fat – they all work, if they fit into your lifestyle and you’re able to stick with it.
Instead of worrying about those small details, once again just focus on eating a balanced whole food diet consisting of meat, eggs, dairy, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. If you’re consistently eating a variety of those foods over the course of the week, you’re going to be doing great, and it will physically and emotionally show.
Here are 100 healthy foods that should make up 90% of your diet.
Here’s how to determine correct portion sizes without calorie counting.

Surround Yourself With Supportive People

This is often the hardest and most overlooked way to simply your weight loss challenges. Emotional support can make or break your success, and the people close to you have the biggest influence over your actions. Peer pressure, social pressure, and other negative reactions to your weight loss plans is enough to make most people want to change their mind to avoid the confrontation.
On the other hand, surrounding yourself with people that believe in you will pick you up and motivate you to be the best person you can be. They will push you harder when you’re ahead, and they will pull you forward when you’re falling back. Great friends in this lifestyle can be hard to come by, but they are there if you’re willing to look.
Read more about the social pressures of a fitness lifestyle.

Get the Idea of Weight Loss Out of Your Mind

I gotta lose weight. I gotta lose weight. I gotta lose weight. STOP! No you don’t – you need to get healthy. Weight loss is a side effect of living a healthy lifestyle. Stop focusing on the side effects of living an unhealthy lifestyle, and get right to the root of the problem.
Focusing on weight is a fool’s game. Your body composition is what matters, and if you can let the pressures of losing weight go, you will be much happier during your journey. Smile, because eating healthy foods and exercising is changing your body from the inside out. The weight will come off. I promise you. You just have to be patient, remain consistent, and have confidence you’re doing all the right things.
Read more about why you shouldn’t use the scale to gauge healthy.

Just Move

You don’t have to bust your butt in the gym every single day of the week and do cardio on top of that to lose weight. Unless you have some very sport specific goals to achieve, you are sure to get burned out and give up all together. Instead, find an activity you can live with – forever.
If you don’t think you can keep up your current exercise routine for the next 5 years, then you’re unlikely to keep it up for the next 6 months, so what’s the point? Even if it’s just a daily walk, with a strength training session thrown in once a week, it’s a great place to start. Once you do that for a while, you might find that you want more. Exercise can be addicting, but it will never get to that point if you’re dreading it. Go easy on yourself and just get active. Your diet is what’s going to make the difference.
Learn more about how to make exercise your playtime.

Cook Your Food in Advance

Not everyone likes cooking, me included. What do I do? I take a day and prep all my food. I chop up all my veggies and fruit, put them in storage containers, and then throw them in the freezer or fridge. I throw a week’s worth of beef in the crockpot, or I cook a bunch of chicken breasts on the grill.
When it comes time to eat, I throw it on my plate and put it in the microwave. It’s done and meal prep only took 5 minutes. Streamlining the process greatly cuts down on wasted time having to cook several meals a day, and helps ensure you always have something healthy to eat that’s within reach.
Cooking in advance is just one of these 100 tips for losing weight.
There you have it, 6 easy ways to simplify your weight loss pursuits. How many of you are already incorporating all of these into your lives? If you aren’t already, why not give it a try and see just how liberating healthy living can be.
MUST READ: The Definitive Guide for How to Lose Weight
FREE EBOOK: The 10 Forgotten Rules of Weight Los

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